INSTRUMENT AND CONTROL FUNCTIONS3-153Compression damping forceTo increase the compression dampingforce and thereby harden the compres-sion damping, turn the adjusting screwon each fork leg in direction a. To de-crease the compression damping forceand thereby soften the compressiondamping, turn the adjusting screw oneach fork leg in direction b.CI-02EEC000015CAUTION:_Never attempt to turn an adjustingmechanism beyond the maximumor minimum settings._NOTE:_Although the total number of clicks of adamping force adjusting mechanismmay not exactly match the above spec-ifications due to small differences inproduction, the actual number of clicksalways represents the entire adjustingrange. To obtain a precise adjustment,it would be advisable to check the num-ber of clicks of each damping force ad-justing mechanism and to modify thespecifications as necessary._EAU03950Adjusting the shock absorberassemblyThis shock absorber assembly isequipped with a spring preload adjust-ing lever and a rebound damping forceadjusting knob. EC000015CAUTION:_Never attempt to turn an adjustingmechanism beyond the maximumor minimum settings._1. Compression damping force adjusting screwMinimum (soft) 21 clicks in direction b*Standard 12 clicks in direction b*Maximum (hard) 1 click in direction b** With the adjusting screw fully turned in direction a