PERIODIC MAINTENANCE AND ADJUSTMENT6-16EAU17245Periodic inspection, adjustment, andlubrication will keep your vehicle in thesafest and most efficient conditionpossible. Safety is an obligation of thevehicle owner/operator. The most im-portant points of vehicle inspection,adjustment, and lubrication are ex-plained on the following pages.The intervals given in the periodicmaintenance charts should be simplyconsidered as a general guide undernormal riding conditions. However, de-pending on the weather, terrain, geo-graphical location, and individual use,the maintenance intervals may need tobe shortened.WARNINGEWA10322Failure to properly maintain the vehi-cle or performing maintenance ac-tivities incorrectly may increaseyour risk of injury or death duringservice or while using the vehicle. Ifyou are not familiar with vehicle ser-vice, have a Yamaha dealer performservice.WARNINGEWA15123Turn off the engine when performingmaintenance unless otherwisespecified. A running engine has movingparts that can catch on bodyparts or clothing and electricalparts that can cause shocks orfires. Running the engine while ser-vicing can lead to eye injury,burns, fire, or carbon monoxidepoisoning – possibly leading todeath. See page 1-3 for more in-formation about carbon monox-ide.WARNINGEWA15461Brake discs, calipers, drums, andlinings can become very hot duringuse. To avoid possible burns, letbrake components cool beforetouching them.EAU17303Emission controls not only function toensure cleaner air, but are also vital toproper engine operation and maximumperformance. In the following periodicmaintenance charts, the services relat-ed to emissions control are groupedseparately. These services requirespecialized data, knowledge, andequipment. Maintenance, replace-ment, or repair of the emission controldevices and systems may be per-formed by any repair establishment orindividual that is certified (if applicable).Yamaha dealers are trained andequipped to perform these particularservices.