NOTE:_ When the switch is set to “LOCK”, the dif-ferential gear lock indicator light will flashuntil the differential gear is locked. When the indicator light is flashing, turn-ing the handlebar back and forth will helpthe differential gear lock to engage. Riding before the differential gear lock isproperly engaged (e.g., when the indica-tor light is flashing) will cause the enginespeed to be limited until engagement iscomplete. When the ATV is in 4WD-LOCK, themaximum traveling speed is limited to35 km/h (22 mph). However, if conditionsrequire full engine power to be available,push and hold the override switch to dis-able the 4WD-LOCK speed limiter. (SeeWARNINGPOTENTIAL HAZARDRiding too fast while the ATV is in4WD-LOCK.WHAT CAN HAPPENAll wheels turn at the same speed whenthe differential is locked, so it takesmore effort to turn the ATV. The amountof effort is more the faster you go. Youmay lose control and have an accident ifyou cannot make a sharp enough turnfor the speed you are traveling.HOW TO AVOID THE HAZARDAlways ride at a slow speed when theATV is in 4WD-LOCK, and allow extratime and distance for Page 12 Tuesday, March 9, 2004 10:33 AM