4-124● Riding before the differential gear lock is proper-ly engaged (e.g., when the indicator and indica-tor light are flashing) will cause the vehiclespeed to be limited until engagement is com-plete.● When the ATV is in four-wheel-drive differentialgear lock, the maximum traveling speed is limit-ed to 35 km/h (22 mi/h). However, if conditionsrequire full engine power to be available, pushand hold the override switch to disable the differ-ential gear lock speed limiter. (See page 4-7 fora detailed explanation of this switch.)EBU18282Throttle leverOnce the engine is running, pushing the throttle le-ver will increase the engine speed.Regulate the speed of the ATV by varying thethrottle position. Because the throttle is spring-loaded, the ATV will decelerate, and the engine willreturn to an idle any time the throttle lever is re-leased.Before starting the engine, check the throttle to besure it is operating smoothly. Make sure it returnsto the idle position as soon as the lever is released.EBU18323Speed limiterYour ATV is equipped with an adjustable speedlimiter. The speed limiter keeps the throttle fromfully opening, even when the throttle lever ispushed to the maximum.1. Loosen the locknut.2. To increase the maximum engine power avail-able and the maximum speed of the ATV, turnthe adjusting screw in direction (a). To de-1. Throttle lever