6-66EBU20821Parking on a slopeWARNINGEWB00860Avoid parking on hills or other inclines. Park-ing on a hill or other incline could cause theATV to roll out of control, increasing thechance of an accident. If you must park on anincline, place the ATV transversely across theincline, stop the engine, shift the drive selectlever to the park position, and then block thefront and rear wheels with rocks or other ob-jects.Do not park the ATV at all on hills that are sosteep you could not walk up them easily.1. Bring the ATV to a stop by applying thebrakes.2. Stop the engine.3. With the brake pedal applied, shift the driveselect lever to the park position.4. Turn the fuel cock to “OFF”.EBU20910Accessories and loadingEBU20921Genuine Yamaha AccessoriesChoosing accessories for your ATV is an importantdecision. Genuine Yamaha Accessories, whichare available only from a Yamaha dealer, havebeen designed, tested, and approved by Yamahafor use on your ATV. Many companies with no con-nection to Yamaha manufacture parts and acces-sories or offer other modifications for Yamahavehicles. Yamaha is not in a position to test theproducts that these aftermarket companies pro-duce. Therefore, Yamaha can neither endorse norrecommend the use of accessories not sold by