English5EnBEFORE MAKING CONNECTIONS, MAKE SURE THAT THE AMPLIFIER IS SWITCHED OFF. Connecting speaker cables■ CONNECTIONS• Connect the screw-type input terminals at the rear of thespeakers to the speaker output terminals of the amplifier(or receiver) with the provided speaker cables.• One side of the speaker cable is red and the other side isblack. Connect the (+) terminals on the amplifier (orreceiver) and speakers using the red side. Connect the(–) terminals on both components using the black side ofthe cable.• Connect each speaker making sure not to reverse thepolarity (+, –). If the speaker is connected with reversedpolarity, the sound will be unnatural and lack bass.• Be sure to connect the left channel (L) and right channel(R) properly.How to connect:1 Loosen the knob.2 Remove the insulation coating at the extremity of eachspeaker cable by twisting the coating off.3 Insert the bare wire.4 Tighten the knob and secure the cable.Test the firmness of the connection by pulling lightly onthe cable at the terminal.NoteDo not let the bare speaker wires touch each other asthis could damage the speaker or the amplifier, or bothof them.Black (–)Red (+)Loosen TightenGood No goodRed: positive (+)Black: negative (–)– +