NX-A017NX-A01IC301: LC75348M (MAIN (1) P.C.B.)Analog IC123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930DICEVSSTESTLOUTLBASS2LBASS1LTRELINLSEL0L4L3L2L1NCNCR1R2R3R4RSEL0RINRTRERBASS1RBASS2ROUTTIMVrefVDDCLSerial data and clock input terminal for control.Chip enable terminal. / Data is written in the inside latch when [H] changes to [L] and each analog switchoperates. / Data transfer is enabled at [H] level.Ground terminal.Test terminal of electronic volume. / Set to VSS potential.Volume + equalizer output terminal.Connection terminal for capacitor and resistor constructing bus band filter.Connection terminal for capacitor and resistor constructing bus band filter.Connection terminal for capacitor constructing treble band filter.Volume + equalizer input terminal.Input selector output terminal.Input signal terminal.Input signal terminal.Input signal terminal.Input signal terminal.Set no connect terminal/open or connect to VSS.Set no connect terminal/open or connect to VSS.Input signal terminal.Input signal terminal.Input signal terminal.Input signal terminal.Input selector output terminal.Volume + equalizer input terminal.Connection terminal for capacitor constructing treble band filter.Connection terminal for capacitor and resistor constructing bus band filter.Connection terminal for capacitor and resistor constructing bus band filter.Volume + equalizer output terminal.When there is no zero cross signal until the timer is completed even after setting the timer terminal/datawhen there is no signal of the zero cross circuit, the data is forced to be set.Connect a capacitor of about some 10uF between Vref to VSS (VSS) as a measure against power ripplewhere 1/2 VDD voltage for analog ground occurs.Power voltage terminal.Serial data and clock input terminal for control.No. Pin name DescriptionTESTVSSCEDICLVDDVrefRVrefLVrefCCBINTERFACEZERO CROSSDETMULTIPLEXERMULTIPLEXERLOGIC CIRCUITCONTROLCIRCUITZERO CROSSDETNO SIGNALTIMERTIMLOUT 567891011 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20212223242526272829301234ROUTLBASS2LBASS1LTRELINLSELOL4L3L2L1R1NCNCR2R3R4RSELORINRTRERBASS1RBASS2 IC DATA