xgranted, provided that the above copyright notice and thispermission notice appear in all copies.THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED “AS IS”, WITHOUTWARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED,INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THEWARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESSFOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ANDNONINFRINGEMENT OF THIRD PARTY RIGHTS. INNO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHTHOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGESOR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTIONOF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISINGFROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THESOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS INTHE SOFTWARE.Except as contained in this notice, the name of a copyrightholder shall not be used in advertising or otherwise topromote the sale, use or other dealings in this Softwarewithout prior written authorization of the copyright holder.■ c-areshttp://c-ares.haxx.seCopyright 1998 by the Massachusetts Institute ofTechnology.Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute thissoftware and its documentation for any purpose andwithout fee is hereby granted, provided that the abovecopyright notice appear in all copies and that both thatcopyright notice and this permission notice appear insupporting documentation, and that the name of M.I.T. notbe used in advertising or publicity pertaining todistribution of the software without specific, written priorpermission. M.I.T. makes no representations about thesuitability of this software for any purpose. It is provided“as is” without express or implied warranty.Do not disassemble, decompile, or reverse engineer thesoftware included in Yamaha AV products.