2-11234567891011121314SAFETY INFORMATIONEBU00924AN ATV IS NOT A TOY AND CAN BE HAZARDOUS TO OPERATE. An ATV handles differentlyfrom other vehicles including motorcycles and cars. A collision or rollover can occur quickly, evenduring routine maneuvers such as turning and riding on hills or over obstacles, if you fail to takeproper precautions.SEVERE INJURY OR DEATH can result if you do not follow these instructions:● Read this manual and all labels carefully and follow the operating procedures described.● Never operate an ATV without proper training or instruction. Take a Training Course.Beginners should receive training from a certified instructor. Contact an authorized ATV dealeror call 1-800-887-2887 to find out about the training courses nearest you.● Always follow the age recommendation:- A child under 16 years old should never operate an ATV with engine size greater than 90cc.● Never allow a child under age 16 to operate an ATV without adult supervision, and never allowcontinued use of an ATV by a child if he or she does not have the abilities to operate it safely.● Never carry passenger on an ATV.