7-23TURNING YOUR ATVTo achieve maximum traction while riding off-road, the two rear wheels are mounted solidlyon one axle and turn together at the samespeed. Therefore, unless the wheel on the in-side of the turn is allowed to slip or lose sometraction, the ATV will resist turning. A specialturning technique must be used to allow theATV to make turns quickly and easily. It is es-sential that this skill be learned first at lowspeed.As you approach a curve, slow down and be-gin to turn the handlebars in the desired direc-tion. As you do so, put your weight on thefootboard to the outside of the turn (oppositeyour desired direction) and lean your upperbody into the turn. Use the throttle to maintainan even speed through the turn. This maneu-ver will let the wheel on the inside of the turnslip slightly, allowing the ATV to make the turnproperly.WARNINGPOTENTIAL HAZARDTurning improperly.WHAT CAN HAPPENThe ATV could go out of control, caus-ing a collision or overturn.HOW TO AVOID THE HAZARDAlways follow proper procedures forturning as described in this Owner’sManual.Practice turning at low speeds before at-tempting to turn at faster speeds. Do notturn at speeds too fast for your skills orthe conditions.