7-24Brush or wooded areasWhen operating in areas with brush or trees,watch carefully on both sides and above thevehicle for obstacles such as branches thatthe vehicle might hit, causing an accident.Watch for brush that might enter the vehicleas you pass and strike you or the passenger.Never hold onto the cage/frame. The passen-ger should always hold onto the handholdswith both hands.The muffler and other engine parts becomeextremely hot during operation and remainhot after the engine has stopped. To reducethe risk of fire during operation or after leavingthe vehicle, do not let brush, grass and othermaterials collect under the vehicle, near themuffler or exhaust pipe, or next to other hotparts. Check under the vehicle after operatingin areas where combustible materials mayhave collected. Do not idle or park the vehiclein long dry grass or other dry ground cover.Encountering obstaclesIf you cannot go around an obstacle, such asa fallen tree or a ditch, stop the vehicle whereit is safe to do so. Set the parking brake andget out to inspect the area thoroughly. Lookfrom both your approach side and exit side. Ifyou believe you can continue safely, choosethe path that will allow you to get over the ob-stacle and at as close to a right angle as pos-sible to minimize vehicle tipping. Go only fastenough to maintain your momentum but stillgive yourself plenty of time to react to chang-es in conditions.If there is any question about your ability tomaneuver safely over the obstacle, youshould turn around if the ground is flat and youhave the room or back up until you find a lessdifficult path.