4-45B410002Coolant temperature warning light “ ”If the coolant temperature reaches a specifiedlevel, this light comes on to warn that the cool-ant temperature is too hot. If the light comeson during operation, stop the engine as soonas it is safe to do so and allow the engine tocool down for about 10 minutes.(See page 8-62.)The electrical circuit of the warning light canbe checked by turning the key to “ON”. If thewarning light does not come on, have aYamaha dealer check the electrical circuit.NOTICE The engine may overheat if the vehicleis overloaded. If this happens, reducethe load to specification. After restarting, make sure that thelight is out. Continuous use while thelight is on may cause damage to theengine.5B410003Engine trouble warning light “ ”This warning light comes on or flashes whenan electrical circuit monitoring the engine isdefective. When this occurs, have a Yamahadealer check the self-diagnosis system. (Seepages 4-10–4-11 for an explanation of theself-diagnosis device.)The electrical circuit of the warning light canbe checked by turning the key to “ON”. If thewarning light does not come on, then go off,have a Yamaha dealer check the electricalcircuit.