Revolabs HD™ Indicator LEDsThe following tables show activities associated with the various states shown by the LEDs:Equipment Use Microphone LED Base StationChannel LEDsMeaningMicrophone in ChargerBaseSolid RED OFF Charging in ProgressSolid GREEN OFF Charging CompleteMicrophone not inCharger BaseOFF OFF Microphone powered OFF orbattery dischargedTwo RED flashesevery 1.5 secondsTwo RED flashesevery 1.5 secondsMicrophone paired and mutedOne GREEN flashevery 1.5 secondsGREEN flash every1.5 secondsMicrophone paired and “live”Solid RED Solid RED Pairing mode or confirmation ofpowering-down.Alternating slowGREEN and REDAlternating slowGREEN and REDMicrophone or channel notpairedYELLOW flashalternating withGREEN flashGREEN Flashing Microphone low battery(mic live)YELLOW flashalternating with twoRED flashesRED Flashing Microphone low battery(mic muted)Alternating RED,YELLOW, GREENOFF Searching for a connection, orout of radio range. TheMicrophone will try to re-establish the link for about 15minutes, and then turn offautomatically.Rapid RED flashescontinuing for morethan a few secondsOFF Radio congestion – it is notpossible to make a radioconnection because there arealready too many nearby users,or there is heavy radiointerference. Possibilitiesinclude some types of digitalwireless devices or otherRevolabs installations.Groups of five rapidRED flashesOFF Unit is faulty. Contact your AVservice provider for advice.24