Periodic maintenance and adjustment7-157After extensive tests, only the tires list-ed below have been approved for thismodel by Yamaha.WARNINGEWA15542 Have a Yamaha dealer replaceexcessively worn tires. Operat-ing the motorcycle with exces-sively worn tires decreasesriding stability and can lead toloss of control. The replacement of all wheel-and brake-related parts, includ-ing the tires, should be left to aYamaha dealer, who has thenecessary professional knowl-edge and experience. It is not recommended to patcha punctured tube. If unavoid-able, however, patch the tubevery carefully and replace it assoon as possible with a high-quality product. Ride conservatively afterchanging a tire since the tiremust seat itself on the rim prop-erly. Failure to allow properseating may cause tire failure,which may result in damage tothe motorcycle and injury to therider.EAU21945Spoke wheelsTo maximize the performance, durabil-ity, and safe operation of the vehicle,note the following points. Check each wheel for cracks, de-formation and other damage. Ifany damage is found, have thewheel inspected by your Yamahadealer. Do not attempt to repair orstraighten a bent or damagedwheel. Check the spokes for looseness. Ifany loose spokes are found, havethe wheel adjusted by yourYamaha dealer. Improperly tight-ened spokes can cause wheelmisalignment. Have the wheel balanced whenev-er the tire or tube has been re-placed. An unbalanced wheel canresult in adverse handling charac-teristics and shortened tire life.WARNINGEWA10611The wheels on this model are notdesigned for use with tubeless tires.Do not attempt to use tubeless tireson this model.Front tire:Size:2.50-10 4PRManufacturer/model:CHENG SHIN/C183ARear tire:Size:2.50-10 4PRManufacturer/model:CHENG SHIN/C183A