5-2OPERATION AND IMPORTANT RIDING POINTS1234567891. Turn the fuel cock lever to “ON”.2. Turn the key to “ON” and makesure that the engine stop switchis set to “#”.3. Shift the transmission into theneutral position.NOTE:When the transmission is in the neu-tral position, the neutral indicator lightshould be on, otherwise have aYamaha dealer check the electricalcircuit.1. Arrow mark positioned over “ON”ON FUELRESOFF1ON4. Turn the starter (choke) on andcompletely close the throttle.(See page 3-8 for starter (choke)operation.)5. Start the engine by pushing thestart switch.NOTE:If the engine fails to start, release thestart switch, wait a few seconds, andthen try again. Each starting attemptshould be as short as possible to pre-serve the battery. Do not crank theengine more than 10 seconds on anyone attempt.6. After starting the engine, movethe starter (choke) knob backhalfway. ECA00055cCFor maximum engine life, alwayswarm the engine up before startingoff. Never accelerate hard whenthe engine is cold!7. When the engine is warm, turnthe starter (choke) off.NOTE:The engine is warm when it respondsnormally to the throttle with the starter(choke) turned off. To avoid the pos-sibility of excessive exhaust emis-sions, never leave the starter (choke)on longer than necessary. The timenecessary for starter (choke) usedepends upon the ambient tempera-ture. Temperatures above 10 °C(50 °F) require about 7 seconds ofstarter (choke) use and temperaturesbelow 10 °C (50 °F) require about 35seconds with the starter (choke)turned on, then about 2.5 minuteswith the starter (choke) in the halfwayposition.