E3-8EMF40310PRE-OPERATION CHECKSwIf any item in the pre-operation check isnot working properly, have it inspectedand repaired before operating the out-board motor. Otherwise, an accidentcould occur.Fuel8 Check to be sure you have plenty of fuelfor your trip.8 Make sure there are no fuel leaks orgasoline fumes.8 Be sure the fuel hose is not being flat-tened or kinked by objects in the boat, andthat there are no sharp objects near it.Oil8 Check to be sure you have plenty of oilfor your trip.Controls8 Check throttle, shift, and steering for prop-er operation before starting the engine.8 The controls should work smoothly,without binding or unusual free play.8 Look for loose or damaged connec-tions.8 Check operation of the starter and stopswitches when the outboard moter is inthe water.Engine8 Check the engine and engine mounting.8 Look for loose or damaged fasteners.8 Check the propeller for damage.8 Check that the battery is in good condi-tion and battery connections are secure.cCDo not start the engine out of water.Overheating and serious engine damagecan occur.