E4-4EMU01777STORING OUTBOARD MOTORWhen storing your Yamaha outboardmotor for prolonged periods of time (2months or longer), several important pro-cedures must be performed to preventexpensive damage. This is especiallyimportant for your oil injection-equippedoutboard motor due to the lean oil ratiosused at idle prior to shutting the engineoff for the season. It is advisable to haveyour outboard motor serviced by anauthorized Yamaha dealer prior to stor-age. However, the following procedurescan be performed by you, the owner, witha minimum of tools.cCDo not use any chemical goods contain-ing Silicon, Phosphorus, or Lead.Otherwise the oxygen sensor for theElectronic Fuel Injection system could bedamaged. Consult your Yamaha dealerfor details on the use of chemical goodsfor storage.