TO THE NEW OWNERThis manual will provide you with agood basic understanding of fea-tures, operation, and basic mainte-nance and inspection items of thismachine. Please read this manualcarefully and completely before oper-ating your new machine. If you haveany questions regarding the opera-tion or maintenance of your machine,please consult your Yamaha dealer.This manual should be considered apermanent part of this machine andshould remain with it even if the ma-chine is subsequently sold.NOTICESome data in this manual may be-come outdated due to improve-ments made to this model in thefuture. If there is any question youhave regarding this manual or yourmachine, please consult yourYamaha dealer.F.I.M. MACHINE WEIGHTSWeights of machines without fuelThe minimum weights for motocrossmachines are:for the class 125 cc:minimum 88 kg (194 lb)for the class 250 cc:minimum 98 kg (216 lb)for the class 500 cc:minimum 102 kg (225 lb)In modifying your machine (e.g., forweight reduction), take note of theabove limits of weight.HOW TO USE THIS MANUALFINDING THE REQUIRED PAGE1. This manual consists of sevenchapters; "General Information","Specifications", "Regular inspec-tion and adjustments", "Tuning","Engine", "Chassis" and "Electri-cal".2. The table of contents is at the be-ginning of the manual. Look overthe general layout of the book be-fore finding then required chapterand item.Bend the book at its edge, asshown, to find the required foreedge symbol mark and go to apage for required item and de-scription.MANUAL FORMATAll of the procedures in this manualare organized in a sequential, step-by-step format. The information hasbeen complied to provide the me-chanic with an easy to read, handyreference that contains comprehen-sive explanations of all disassembly,repair, assembly, and inspection op-erations.In this revised format, the condition ofa faulty component will precede anarrow symbol and the course of ac-tion required will follow the symbol,e.g.,• BearingsPitting/damage → Replace.10. PROPERLY SECURE THEMACHINE BEFORE TRANS-PORTING IT.When transporting the ma-chine in another vehicle, al-ways be sure it is properlysecured and in an upright po-sition and that the fuel cock isin the "OFF" position. Other-wise, fuel may leak out of thecarburetor or fuel tank.