FUEL INJECTION SYSTEM– 69 –EAS31790TROUBLESHOOTING DETAILS (EVENT CODE)Event code No. U0155 or “Err”TIP• “Err” is displayed on the clock display of the multi-function meter, but the engine trouble warning lightdoes not come on.• When the Yamaha diagnostic tool is used, event code No. U0155 is displayed as a fault code.Event code No. U0155 or “Err”Item Multi-function meter: signals cannot be transmitted betweenthe ECU and the multi-function meter.Item Probable cause of malfunc-tion and check Maintenance job Confirmation of servicecompletion1 Connection of meter assem-bly coupler.Check the locking conditionof the coupler.Disconnect the coupler andcheck the pins (bent or bro-ken terminals and lockingcondition of the pins).Improperly connected →Connect the coupler securelyor replace the wire harness.Turn the main switch to “ON”,and then check the conditionof the fault code using themalfunction mode of theYamaha diagnostic tool.Condition is “Recover” → Goto item 6 and finish the ser-vice.Condition is “Malfunction” →Go to item 2.2 Connection of ECU coupler.Check the locking conditionof the coupler.Disconnect the coupler andcheck the pins (bent or bro-ken terminals and lockingcondition of the pins).Improperly connected →Connect the coupler securelyor replace the wire harness.Turn the main switch to “ON”,and then check the conditionof the fault code using themalfunction mode of theYamaha diagnostic tool.Condition is “Recover” → Goto item 6 and finish the ser-vice.Condition is “Malfunction” →Go to item 3.3 Wire harness continuity. Open or short circuit → Re-place the wire harness.Between meter assemblycoupler and joint coupler.blue/black–blue/blackblue/red–blue/redBetween joint coupler andECU coupler.blue/black–blue/blackblue/red–blue/redTurn the main switch to “ON”,and then check the conditionof the fault code using themalfunction mode of theYamaha diagnostic tool.Condition is “Recover” → Goto item 6 and finish the ser-vice.Condition is “Malfunction” →Go to item 4.4 Defective meter assembly. Replace the meter assembly. Turn the main switch to “ON”,and then check the conditionof the fault code using themalfunction mode of theYamaha diagnostic tool.Condition is “Recover” → Goto item 6 and finish the ser-vice.Condition is “Malfunction” →Go to item 5.