Motorcycle care and storage8-4123456789101112perform any outstanding mainte-nance.2. Follow all instructions in the CareSection of this chapter.3. Fill up the fuel tank and add fuelstabilizer according to product in-structions.4. Run the engine for 5 minutes todistribute treated fuel through thefuel system.5. For vehicles with a fuel cock: Turnthe fuel cock lever to the off posi-tion.6. For vehicles with a carburetor: Toprevent fuel deposits from buildingup, drain the fuel in the carburetorfloat chamber into a clean contain-er. Retighten the drain bolt andpour the fuel back into the fueltank.7. Use a quality engine fogging oil ac-cording to product instructions. Ifengine fogging oil is not available,perform the following steps foreach cylinder:a. Remove the spark plug capand spark plug.b. Pour a teaspoonful of engine oilinto the spark plug bore.c. Install the spark plug cap ontothe spark plug, and then placethe spark plug on the cylinderhead so that the electrodes aregrounded. (This will limit spark-ing during the next step.)d. Turn the engine over severaltimes with the starter or kick-starter. (This will coat the cylin-der wall with oil.) WARNING!To prevent damage or injuryfrom sparking, make sure toground the spark plug elec-trodes while turning the en-gine over.[EWA10952]e. Remove the spark plug capfrom the spark plug, and theninstall the spark plug and thespark plug cap.8. Lubricate all control cables, pivots,levers and pedals, as well as thesidestand and centerstand (ifequipped).9. Check and correct the tire air pres-sure, and then lift the vehicle sothat all wheels are off the ground. Ifmaintenance stands are not avail-able, turn the wheels a little once amonth in order to prevent the tiresfrom becoming degraded in onespot.10. Cover the muffler outlet with aplastic bag to prevent moisturefrom entering it.11. For vehicles with a battery: Re-move and fully charge it, or attacha maintenance charger. NOTICE:Confirm that the battery and itscharger are compatible. Do notcharge a VRLA battery with aconventional charger.[ECA26330]