![Yamaha YFM350R Owner's Manual Manual pdf 39 page image](https://manuals-archive2.s3.amazonaws.com/5809979/a622171afb532eb0f70bb9dc17ca037439f.jpg)
4-144EBU19044Adjusting the rear shock absorber as-semblyThe spring preload can be adjusted to suit the rid-er’s weight and the riding conditions.NOTICEECB01090Never turn the adjusting mechanism beyondthe minimum and maximum settings.Adjust the spring preload as follows.1. Loosen the locknut.2. Turn the spring preload adjusting nut in direc-tion (a) to increase the spring preload andthereby harden the suspension, and in direc-tion (b) to decrease the spring preload andthereby soften the suspension.1. Special wrenchSpring preload setting:Minimum (soft):1Standard:3Maximum (hard):51. Locknut2. Spring preload adjusting nut