8-278TIPA diagnostic tachometer is needed to make thisadjustment.1. Start the engine and warm it up.2. Attach the tachometer to the spark plug lead.3. Check the engine idling speed and, if neces-sary, adjust it to specification by turning theidle adjusting screw. To increase the engineidling speed, turn the idle adjusting screw indirection (a), and to decrease it, turn the screwin direction (b).TIPIf the specified idling speed cannot be obtained asdescribed above, have a Yamaha dealer make theadjustment.EBU24045Adjusting the throttle cable free playThe throttle cable free play should be checkedand, if necessary, adjusted at the intervals speci-fied in the periodic maintenance and lubricationchart.The throttle cable free play should measure 2.0–4.0 mm (0.08–0.16 in) at the throttle lever. Period-ically check the throttle cable free play and, if nec-essary, adjust it as follows.TIPThe engine idling speed must be checked, and ad-justed if necessary, before adjusting the throttle ca-ble free play.1. Slide the rubber cover back.2. Loosen the locknut.1. Idle adjusting screw1(a)(b)Engine idling speed:1500–1700 r/min