8-18EBU28783PERIODIC MAINTENANCE AND ADJUSTMENTEBU21672Periodic inspection, adjustment, and lubricationwill keep your vehicle in the safest and most effi-cient condition possible. Safety is an obligation ofthe vehicle owner/operator. The most importantpoints of vehicle inspection, adjustment, and lubri-cation are explained on the following pages.WARNINGEWB01841Failure to properly maintain the vehicle or per-forming maintenance activities incorrectly mayincrease your risk of injury or death during ser-vice or while using the vehicle. If you are not fa-miliar with vehicle service, have a Yamahadealer perform the service.WARNINGEWB02561Turn off the engine when performing mainte-nance unless otherwise specified. A running engine has moving parts that cancatch on body parts or clothing and electri-cal parts that can cause shocks or fires. Running the engine while servicing can leadto eye injury, burns, fire, or carbon monoxidepoisoning - possibly leading to death. Seepage 2-1 for more information about carbonmonoxide.WARNINGEWB02690Brake discs, calipers, drums, and linings canbecome very hot during use. To avoid possibleburns, let brake components cool beforetouching them.The intervals given in the periodic maintenanceand lubrication chart should be considered as ageneral guide under normal riding conditions.However, DEPENDING ON THE WEATHER,TERRAIN, GEOGRAPHICAL LOCATION, ANDINDIVIDUAL USE, THE MAINTENANCE INTER-VALS MAY NEED TO BE SHORTENED.