SAFETY INFORMATION1-3Aftermarket Tires and RimsThe tires and rims that came with your motorcy-cle were designed to match the performance ca-pabilities and to provide the best combination ofhandling, braking, and comfort. Other tires, rims,sizes, and combinations may not be appropriate.Refer to “CHECKING THE TIRES” on page 3-22for tire specifications and more information onreplacing your tires.Transporting the MotorcycleBe sure to observe following instructions beforetransporting the motorcycle in another vehicle.1. Remove all loose items from the motorcycle.2. Check that the fuel cock (if equipped) is in the“OFF” position and that there are no fuelleaks.3. Point the front wheel straight ahead on thetrailer or in the truck bed, and choke it in a railto prevent movement.4. Shift the transmission in gear (for models witha manual transmission).5. Secure the motorcycle with tie-downs or suit-able straps that are attached to solid parts ofthe motorcycle, such as the frame or upperfront fork triple clamp (and not, for example,to rubber-mounted handlebars or turn sig-nals, or parts that could break). Choose thelocation for the straps carefully so the strapswill not rub against painted surfaces duringtransport.6. The suspension should be compressedsomewhat by the tie-downs, if possible, sothat the motorcycle will not bounce exces-sively during transport.