Periodic maintenance and adjustment7-247EAU23185Checking and lubricating thebrake pedalThe operation of the brake pedalshould be checked before each ride,and the pedal pivot should be lubricat-ed if necessary.EAU85250Lubricating the rear suspen-sionThe pivoting points of the rear suspen-sion must be lubricated by a Yamahadealer at the intervals specified in theperiodic maintenance and lubricationchart.EAUM2703Lubricating the swingarm piv-otsThe swingarm pivots must be lubricat-ed by a Yamaha dealer at the intervalsspecified in the periodic maintenanceand lubrication chart.Recommended lubricant:Lithium-soap-based grease Recommended lubricant:Molybdenum disulfide greaseRecommended lubricant:Molybdenum disulfide grease