PERIODIC MAINTENANCE AND ADJUSTMENT6-326EAU51961BatteryThe battery is located under the riderseat. (See page 3-27.)This model is equipped with a VRLA(Valve Regulated Lead Acid) battery.There is no need to check the electro-lyte or to add distilled water. However,the battery lead connections need tobe checked and, if necessary, tight-ened.WARNINGEWA10761 Electrolyte is poisonous anddangerous since it contains sul-furic acid, which causes severeburns. Avoid any contact withskin, eyes or clothing and al-ways shield your eyes whenworking near batteries. In caseof contact, administer the fol-lowing FIRST AID.• EXTERNAL: Flush with plentyof water.• INTERNAL: Drink large quan-tities of water or milk and im-mediately call a physician.• EYES: Flush with water for 15minutes and seek promptmedical attention. Batteries produce explosive hy-drogen gas. Therefore, keepsparks, flames, cigarettes, etc.,away from the battery and pro-vide sufficient ventilation whencharging it in an enclosedspace. KEEP THIS AND ALL BATTER-IES OUT OF THE REACH OFCHILDREN.WARNINGEWA16091Remove the battery cover by remov-ing the bolts and the quick fastenerscrews before servicing the battery.The cover material can conductelectricity. If the cover has not beenremoved, touching the cover andthe battery positive terminal at thesame time with a tool will cause ashort circuit and sparks.To charge the batteryHave a Yamaha dealer charge the bat-tery as soon as possible if it seems tohave discharged. Keep in mind that thebattery tends to discharge more quick-ly if the vehicle is equipped with op-tional electrical accessories.1. Bolt2. Quick fastener screw3. Positive battery lead (red)4. Battery cover5. Battery6. Negative battery lead (black)16 5 4322