PERIODIC MAINTENANCE AND MINOR REPAIR6-4462. Remove the socket (together withthe bulb) by pulling it out.3. Remove the defective bulb by pull-ing it out.4. Insert a new bulb into the socket.5. Install the socket (together withthe bulb) by pushing it in.6. Install the license plate light unit byinstalling the screws.EAU01579Supporting the motorcycleSince this model is not equipped with acenterstand, follow these precautionswhen removing the front and rearwheel or performing other mainte-nance requiring the motorcycle tostand upright. Check that the motor-cycle is in a stable and level positionbefore starting any maintenance. Astrong wooden box can be placed un-der the engine for added stability.To service the front wheel1. Stabilize the rear of the motorcycleby using a motorcycle stand or, ifan additional motorcycle stand isnot available, by placing a jack un-der the frame in front of the rearwheel.2. Raise the front wheel off theground by using a motorcyclestand.To service the rear wheelRaise the rear wheel off the ground byusing a motorcycle stand or, if a motor-cycle stand is not available, by placinga jack either under each side of theframe in front of the rear wheel or undereach side of the swingarm.1. License plate light bulb2. License plate light unit