PERIODIC MAINTENANCE AND MINOR REPAIR6-3162. Install the brake caliper bolt, andthen tighten it to the specifiedtorque.EAU03294Checking the brake fluid levelInsufficient brake fluid may allow air toenter the brake system, possibly caus-ing it to become ineffective.Before riding, check that the brake fluidis above the minimum level mark andreplenish if necessary. A low brake flu-id level may indicate worn brake padsand/or brake system leakage. If thebrake level is low, be sure to check thebrake pads for wear and the brake sys-tem for leakage.Observe these precautions: When checking the fluid level,make sure that the top of the brakefluid reservoir is level. Use only the recommended quali-ty brake fluid, otherwise the rubberseals may deteriorate, causingleakage and poor braking perfor-mance. Refill with the same type of brakefluid. Mixing fluids may result in aharmful chemical reaction andlead to poor braking performance.1. Brake pad wear indicator grooveTightening torque:Brake caliper bolt:27 Nm (2.7 m·kgf, 19.5 ft·lbf)Rear1. Minimum level markFront1. Minimum level markRecommended brake fluid: DOT 4RearRear