4. Disassembly, Inspection and Reassembly of Engines105(d) Rod big end measurementMeasure the crankpin and bushing according to4.4.5.(2)(c) described above.Calculate the oil clearance of a crank pin metal and acrank pin from the measured values of the crank pinmetal inner diameter and the crank pin outsidediameter.Replace a crank pin metal if the oil clearance becomesabout the limit dimension of the below table.Correct by grinding if unevenly wear, roundnessexceeding the limit or insufficient outside diameter isfound. Also use an undersized metal. (Refer to theabove (2) c.)[NOTICE]When measuring the inside diameter of the rod bigend, install the crankpin metals in the rod big endnot to mistake the top and bottom of the metals andtighten the rod bolts by the standard torque.Tightening torque of rod boltModel Tightening torqueNm(kgf-m)Lubricating oil application(threaded portion, and bearing seat surface)3TNV82A 37.2 41.2(3.8 4.2)TNV84/88 44.1 49.0(4.5 5.0)4TNV94L/98 53.9 58.8(5.5 6.0)4TNV106(T) 78.5 83.4(8..0 8.5)Lube. oil appliedStandard of rod big end mmModel Item Standard LimitRod I.D. bushing 42.952 42.962 42.902Crankpin O.D. 43.000 43.042 -Metal thickness 1.487 1.500 -3TNV82AClearance 0.038 0.090 0.150Rod I.D. bushing 47.952 47.962 47.902Crankpin O.D. 48.000 48.026 -Metal thickness 1.492 1.500 -TNV84/88Clearance 0.038 0.074 0.150Rod I.D. bushing 57.952 57.962 57.902Crankpin O.D. 58.000 58.026 -Metal thickness 1.492 1.500 -4TNV94L/98Clearance 0.038 0.074 0.150Rod I.D. bushing 63.952 63.962 63.902Crankpin O.D. 64.016 64.042 -Metal thickness 1.984 1.992 -4TNV106(T)Clearance 0.054 0.090 0.150