4. Disassembly, Inspection and Reassembly of Engines77(2) Valve guideMainly check damage and wear on the inside wall.Apply the service part code when replacing a part.Model Service part codeSuction 124060-118003TNV82A(2-valve) Exhaust 119802-11810Suction 120130-118604TNV843TNV84(T)3/4TNV88(2-valve) Exhaust 129150-118104TNV84T(4-valve) Suc./Exh. 119717-118004TNV94L4TNV98(T)(4-valve)Suc./Exh. 129907-11800Suction 123907-118004TNV106(T)(4-valve) Exhaust 123907-11810Valve stem clearanceModel Part name Place Standard LimitGuide I.D. 7.000 7.015 7.08Stem O.D. 6.945 6.960 6.90Intake valueClearance 0.040 0.070 0.18Guide I.D. 7.000 7.015 7.08Stem O.D. 6.940 6.955 6.903TNV82A(2-valve head)Exhaust valueClearance 0.045 0.075 0.18Guide I.D. 8.010 8.025 8.10Stem O.D. 7.955 7.975 7.90Intake valueClearance 0.035 0.070 0.18Guide I.D. 8.015 8.030 8.10Stem O.D. 7.955 7.970 7.904TNV843TNV84(T)3/4TNV88(2-valve head) Exhaust valueClearance 0.045 0.075 0.18Guide I.D. 6.000 6.015 6.08Stem O.D. 5.960 5.975 5.90Intake valueClearance 0.025 0.055 0.15Guide I.D. 6.000 6.015 6.08Stem O.D. 5.945 5.960 5.904TNV84T(4-valve head)Exhaust valueClearance 0.040 0.070 0.17Guide I.D. 7.000 7.015 7.08Stem O.D. 6.945 6.960 6.90Intake valueClearance 0.040 0.070 0.17Guide I.D. 7.000 7.015 7.08Stem O.D. 6.940 6.955 6.904TNV94L4TNV98(T)(4-valve head)Exhaust valueClearance 0.045 0.075 0.17Guide I.D. 7.008 7.020 7.08Stem O.D. 6.960 6.975 6.92Intake valueClearance 0.033 0.060 0.16Guide I.D. 7.008 7.020 7.08Stem O.D. 6.945 6.960 6.904TNV106(T)(4-valve head)Exhaust valueClearance 0.048 0.075 0.18