SECTI0N9: TR0UBLESH00TINGGUIDETroubleE n g i n ew i l lnot crankEn g r n ec r a n k sb u t',^;I not startE x c e s s t v ev r D r a l r o nMowerwillnoIdischargegrassano/or leavesuncutstnps5. Dirtyair cleaner.Bentordamagedblade.1. Therearetwo switchesin the startingcircuitof yourunit:the clutchwater.Chargewith6 AMP chargeruntilfullycharged'4. Referto operator'smanualfor fusebox location.Replacefusewithautomotivetypefuse.Fusesseldomfailwithouta reason.The problemmustbe corrected.checkfor looseconnectionsin thefuseholder.R e p | a c e f u s e h o | d e r i f n e c e s s a r y . A d e a d s h o r t m a y b e i n t h e c r a n k i n gor chargingcircuitwherethe insulationmay haverubbedthroughandexoosedthe barewire.Replacethewireor repairwithelectrician'stapecheck ooerator'smanualfor correctpositionfor throttlecontrolandchokefor starting.A. GasolinetankemPtY.Fill.B . F u e ll i n eo r i n - l i n ef u e l f i l t e rp l u g g e d .R e m o v ea n dc l e a nf u e ll i n e .Replacefilter.connectlead.Holdsparkplugleadawayfromengineblockabout1/8"Crankengine.Thereshouldbe a spark.lf not,haveenginerepairedatauthorizedengineservicedealer.To test,removesparr plug'Attachsparkplugleadto sparkplug'Groundthesparkplugbodyagainsttheengineblock.cranktheengtne.T h e s p a r k p l u g s h o u | d f i r e a t t h e e | e c t r o d e . R e p | a c e i f i t d o e s n o t .5. lf the aircleaneris dirty,the enginemay notstart.Referto the engineSafetyswitchbuttonnotdepressed.Batteryinstalledincorrectly.Batteryis dead orW E A K .Blownfuseorcircuitbreaker.Enginegroundwiretoose.Throttleor chokenot rnstartingposition.N o f u e l t ot h ecarburetor.No sparkto sparkplug.SparkPlugleaddtsconnected.FaultysparkPlug.Enginespeedlow.Cuttingheightsettoo low.Bladesshortord u l l .oedalswitchand the deck liftleverswitch.Makeceftainthe actuatorisfullydepressingthe buttonson eachswitch'The battervmustbe installedwith negativeterminalattachedto blackgroundwire.Negativeterminalis identifiedat the postby "NEG"'"N"groundwire.Negativeterminalis identifiedat the postby "NEG"'"N"ort". the positiveterminal,identifiedby "POS","P"or "+",mustbeattachedto the big redwirewhichgoesto the solenoid.All batteriesare". The positiveterminal,identifiedby "POS","P"or "+",mustoettachedto the big redwirewhichgoesto the solenoid.All batteriesareia f i a c n e o t o { n e o I g r e o W | r e W | | | U l I g ( J U J t U L | | v o v | g | | v I v . ^ | | " * . . " . ' " " : ' -to be fullychargedbeforeinstalling.Referto "Quickstart"batterygurdethatcamewiththe operator'smanual.checkfluidlevelin battery.lf fluidis low,fillto lustbelowsplitringswithJ .if the wirestrandshavenotbeendamaged'NOTE: Note:Look for a wire pinched betweenbody panels'exhaustpipe or muffleror rubbedagainsta movingparl'burnedOrrrl5 - E n g i n e s h o u | d h a v e a b | a c k g r o u n d w i r e r u n n i n g f r o m e n g i n e t o f r a m egl1tellting boltmanual packed{]ryglllL1. stop engineimmediately.check all pulleys,bladeadapters,keysandboltsfortiqhtnessand sPindleda ten or replaceanYdamagedParts.1. Throttlemustbe set at f ullthrottle.2. Uselowergroundspeed'The sloweryourgroundspeed,the betterthequalityof cut.3 . R a i s e d e c k . S h a r p e n o r r e p | a c e b | a d e s ( u n c u t s t r i p p r o b | e m o n | y ) .Possible Cause(s)NOTE: tf the abovestepsfai! to correct theprobtem,contactyour local authorizedservicedealerfor repair'23