. Comparethe batteryin your lawntractor(locatedunderthe seat)withthe illustrationabove.Type"A"batteriesare activatedand are readyto use.Type"8" batteriesmustbe filledwithbatteryfluid(acid)and chargedbeforetheyare put intoservice.Followinstructionswhichapplyto the batteryinyourlawntractoronly.Activating& ChargingBattery(Type "8" Battery Only)WARNING:Do not activatebattery(i.e.fillwith battery acid) until battery is actuallyplaced in service. Read warnings aboutbattery usage in the previous page beforeactivating the battery.Pivotthe seat pivotbracketforward.Unhookthestrapwhichsecuresthe battery(hookis on rearframe,underthe fender).Disconnectthe positivecablefromthe positiveterminal.Savethe hardwarefor reassembly.Removethe batteryfrom the lawntractor,payingattentionto how the batteryis placedin the unit,and how the draintube (attachedto the battery)isrouted.Activatethe batteryas instructedin the "QuickStart"brochureincludedwiththe battervfluid.Readinstructionscarefullv.NOTE: You can continueto assemble the lawn tractorwhile the battery is standing for 30 minutes after acidfill-up, and later whileyou are charging the battery.IMPORTANT:To obtainmaximumlifefromthe batterv.chargeit priorto initialuse.. BatteryP/N725-1705D:Chargeat 2-3 ampsforo n en o u r .. BatteryP/N725-1707D,725-0453G,and725-1750:Chargeat 6 ampsfor one hour.. Chargebatteryafterthe30-minutestandingperiod.NOTE: lf you charge the battery at a lower AMP rate,use a hydrometer to make sure the battery iscompletelycharged.The hydrometershouldread 1.260minimumat an electrolytetemperatureof 60-11eF.WARNING: Do not charge the tractorbattery at more than 6 amps.. Placethe steeringbellowoverthe steeringshaftextendingthroughthe dash See Figure2.NOTE: lf the openings on each end of the steeringbellow are of two sizes. the smaller end ooes downagainstthe dash of the lawn tractar. Withthewheelspointingstraightp acethesteeringwheeloverthe steeringshaft.posrtonrngthesteeringwheelas desired.. Placethe washerwiththe cuppeds,dedow,noverthesteeringshaft.Securewithhex iocxDolt SeeF i g u r e2 .NOTE: lf your tractorsteeringwheelcap is seudre j/oLlmust use a socket wrench.. Placethe steeringwheelcap overthe cente.or :hesteeringwheeland pressit withyourhandHex LockSteeringBellowF i g u r e2AttachingSeatNOTE: Your tractor rs equipped with one of lhefollowingtypes of seats. ldentifythe seat type fron theillustrationsbelow. and followinstructionsperlarntneioyour tractor.ManualAdjustmentSeatRemovethe fourscrewsf romthe seatand rernovethe packrngstrapsf romtwo of the bolts Turntheseataroundand placeit in positionagainstthe seatpivotbracket.lrningup the slottedholesin the prvotbracketwrththe holesin theseat.Selectdes redpositionf or the seat.and securewiththe fourAttachingSteeringWheelThe hardwarefor attachingthe steeringwheelhasbeenpackedinsidethe steeringwheel.Carefullypryoffthe steeringwheelcap and removethe hardware.Removethe steeringbellowf romthe liftleveronthe rightsideof the tractor. F i g u r e3