Configuring Security Features891All Keys Function Keys Menu keyPre-dialing/DialingscreenAllow Behavior: You are allowed to pressthe Line Key (key type is line), input ormodify numbers, dial emergencynumbers and return to idle screen.Keys not Locked: IME, More, Cancel,Send, Delete and Line soft key; line key(key type is line), X, OK/√, volume key,Speakerphone key, digit keys, HEADSETkey, “*”/”#” (key as send), off-hook keyand on-hook key.Note: Line key is not applicable toSIP-T19(P) E2 and CP860 IP phones. X,HEADSET and Speakerphone key are notapplicable to CP860 IP phones. Off-hookkey and on-hook key are only applicableto CP860 IP phones. OK/√ and X keysare not applicable to SIP VP-T49G IPphones.The same as AllKeys, but youcan dial anynumber.The Menukey (key typeis menu) islocked.TalkingAllow Behavior: You are allowed to endthe call, initiate a new call to dial theemergency number and resume a call.Keys not Locked: EndCall, Cancel,Resume, NewCall soft key; line key (keytype is line), digit keys, X, volume key,HEADSET, Speakerphone key, off-hookkey and on-hook key.Note: Pressing X key to end the call arenot applicable to SIP-T23P/T23G/T21(P)E2/T19(P) E2 and CP860 IP phones. Linekey is not applicable to SIP-T19(P) E2 andCP860 IP phones. HEADSET andSpeakerphone key is not applicable toCP860 IP phones. Off-hook key andon-hook key are only applicable to CP860IP phones. OK/√ and X keys are notapplicable to SIP VP-T49G IP phones.The same as AllKeys, but youcan dial anynumber.The Menukey (key typeis menu) islocked.Phone Lock KeyFor more information on how to configure the DSS Key, refer to Appendix D: Configuring DSSKey on page 987.