York DPC-1R Operating And Maintenance Instructions Manual
10 GBFig. 6Fig. 7EMERG HEAT. Controls the system in emer-gency heating mode (operates only if anelectric heater, optional accessory, is in-stalled).OFF. Turns the air conditioning system offor could be use to set fan only mode.a) CoolingPress button alternatively untilthe cool symbol appears on thescreen (along with the word COOL)(Fig. 3).Once the operating mode is set, selectthe temperature setting by pressingbutton or so as to set a higheror lower temperature. The temperatureseting appears along with a small sym-bol that represents a thermometer, andremains on screen for 5 seconds. Whenthe temperature setting disappears, theambient temperature appears onceagain.After a few minutes, the cooling systemwill begin to operate and the coolingsymbol on screen will start to flash.b) HeatingPress the button alternativelyuntil the heating symbol appears onthe screen (along with the word HEAT)(Fig. 4).Once the operating mode is set, selectthe temperature setting by pressing but-ton or so as to set a higher orlower temperature. The temperature set-ting appears along with a small symbolthat represents a thermometer, and re-mains on screen for 5 seconds. Whenthe temperature setting disappears, theambient temperature appears onceagain.After a few minutes, the heating systemwill begin to operate and the heatingsymbol on screen will start to flash.c) AutomaticPress the button alternativelyuntil the heating and cooling sym-bols appear on the screen (along withthe word AUTO) (Fig. 5).Select a temperature setting for the cool-ing mode and another for the heatingmode as desribed in paragraphs a) andb). In this operating mode, the COOLtemperature setting should be least 1°Cabove the HEAT temperature setting,which is the minimum differential allowedby the thermostat. Press the but-ton repeatedly displays the cooling orheating set points. After 5 secondsthe ambient temperature is displayed(Fig. 5).After a few minutes, the system willbeging to operate, switching automati-cally between the heating and coolingmodes so as to keep the ambient tem-perature between the two settings. Wheneither the heating or cooling mode arein operation, the corresponding symbolstarts to flash.d) Automatic programmingIf this option is not selected, it will notappear (can be selected by setting mi-cro-switch No. 2 to ON). Press the button alternatively until the heat-ing and cooling symbols are dis-played (along with the words AUTOPROG). The selected time schedule pro-file is also displayed (Fig. 6).For correct operation of this mode, firstyou must set the time on the clock andselect the number of the day of the week.Then select the desired time scheduleprofile for the different days of the week.See the section on Programming Menu.Select a temperature setting for the cool-ing mode and another for the heatingmode, in accordance with the program-ming menu. (Fig. 6)In this mode you must define the tem-perature set point for day, night and un-occupied conditions.After a few minutes, the system will start,switching automatically to either the heator cool mode and keeping the ambienttemperature between the selected setpoints and in compliance with the timeschedule profile selected.e) Emergency heatPress the button alternativelyuntil the words EMERG HEAT are dis-played, along with the heating sym-bol. After a few minutes, the emergencyheat will begin to operate and the heat-ing symbol will flash on the screen.In this operating mode, the compressoris always inoperative and the auxiliaryand emergency heaters (optional acces-sories), if installed, are used for heat-ing.This operating mode can be used forheating when there is any problem withthe compressor (Fig. 7).Fig. 3Fig. 4Fig. 5COOLAUTO5 COOLING SYMBOLAMBIENT TEMPERATUREMODE SELECTEDHEATAUTO5 HEATING SYMBOLAMBIENT TEMPERATUREMODE SELECTEDAUTO0h 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24AUTOPROG1COOLING SYMBOLAMBIENT TEMPERATUREMODE SELECTED HEATING SYMBOLTIME SHCEDULEPROFILECOMFORT (DAY)COMFORT (DAY)ECONOMY (NIGHT)DAY OFTHE WEEKTIMEEMERGHEATAUTO5 HEATING SYMBOLAMBIENT TEMPERATUREMODE SELECTEDAUTO AUTO1 COOLING SYMBOLAMBIENT TEMPERATUREMODE SELECTEDHEATING SYMBOL |
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