035-17480-000 Rev. A (800)Unitary Products Group 177. Avoid areas where condensate drippage may causeproblems such as above planters, patios, or adjacent towindows where steam may cause fogging.NOTE:Consideration must be given for degradation of build-ing materials by flue gases.NOTE:Shaded components of the vent system shown in Fig-ures Figure 17 through Figure 20 are considered to be partof the termination. These components should not be countedwhen determining piping limitations. Sidewall terminationmay require sealing or shielding of building surfaces with acorrosive resistant material to protect against combustionproduct corrosion.PIPING ASSEMBLYThe final assembly procedure for the vent piping is as follows:1. Cut piping to the proper length, beginning at the furnace.2. Deburr the piping inside and outside.3. Chamfer the outer edges of the piping.4. Dry-fit the entire vent piping system.5. Disassemble the piping and apply cement primer andcement per the cement manufacturer's instructions.Primer and cement must conform to ASTM D2564 forPVC, or ASTM D2235 for ABS piping.6. All joints must be made to provide a permanent, air tight.water tight seal.7. Support the vent piping such that it is angled 1/4” per lin-ear foot so that condensate will flow back towards thefurnace. Piping should be supported with pipe hangers toprevent sagging. Maximum spacing between hangers is5 feet, except SDR-PVC piping, where maximum spac-ing is 3 feet.8. Seal around the openings where the vent piping passesthrough the roof or side wall.NOTE:Vent pipe must be sloped 1/4” per foot to allow con-densate to flow back to the furnace.FIGURE 18 : Horizontal TerminationConfiguration With 12”Minimum ClearanceFIGURE 19 : Horizontal Termination RaisedConfiguration For Additional ClearanceVENT ELBOWMAINTAIN 12" CLEARANCE ABOVEHIGHEST ANTICIPATED SNOW LEVELOR GRADE, WHICHEVER IS GREATER12"VENTMAINTAIN 12" CLEARANCE ABOVEHIGHEST ANTICIPATED SNOW LEVELOR GRADE, WHICHEVER IS GREATER90°12" MINIMUMFIGURE 20 : Rooftop TerminationSolvent cements are flammable and must be usedin well-ventilated areas only. Keep them away fromheat, sparks and open flames (including pilots). Donot breathe vapors and avoid contact with skin andeyes.Vent piping must be insulated with 1/2” Armaflexinsulation if it will be subjected to freezing temper-atures such as routing through unheated areas orthrough an unused chimney.MAINTAIN 12" MINIMUMCLEARANCE ABOVE HIGHESTANTICIPATED SNOW LEVEL.MAXIMUM OF 24" ABOVE ROOFVENT