5322625-UIM-A-041720 Johnson Controls Unitary ProductsThe unit is equipped with a safety package. The refrigeration systemwill be protected against high refrigerant pressure and a loss of chargeswitch. If either of these safety switches open, the unit will be shut offfor the 5 minute anti-short cycle time. Once this has expired, a six hourelapsed run timer begins. If a second opening of a safety switch occursduring this six hour period, the compressor will be locked out.Resetting the lockout function is accomplished by:1. Removing power from the control's thermostat 1st stage (Y) input forlonger than 2 seconds.2. Removing power from “R” for more than 2 seconds.3. Shorting the “TEST” pins together for more than 2 seconds while“Y” is energized.4. Shorting the “TEST” pins together for more than 5 seconds while“Y” is de-energized.GAS HEATING SEQUENCE OF OPERATIONHeatingThe control board begins a call for heat when “W1” is energized (con-nected to “R”).The control checks to see if the pressure switch is open. If the pressureswitch is closed, the control board flashes “2” on the LED and waitsindefinitely for it to open. When the pressure switch is sensed as open,the control begins pressure switch proving period. If the call for heat isremoved, the control goes back to Standby.The unit control contains a built in 2 nd stage heating “HI HEAT DELAY”jumper that can automatically stage up to full capacity heating operationbased on first stage heating call timing. Built in heating stage up selec-tion is a “OFF,” “10,” “15,” or “20” minute timer. Based on “HI HEATDELAY” jumper selection, the control is automatically staged up to highheat during a call for low heat on the “W1” input terminal. This timingstarts over with each new call for heat. Regardless of “HI HEAT DELAY”jumper setting if anytime the control is operating in low heat (W1) and a24 VAC signal is received on the high heat input (W2), the control isstaged up to full capacity heating operation. When using the built in “HIHEAT DELAY” feature and the control has staged up to full capacityheating, the unit remains in full capacity heating until the call for heat onthe “W1” input is terminated. If using a two stage heating thermostat,set the “HI HEAT DELAY” jumper to the “OFF” position.Pressure Switch ProvingThe control board energizes the induced draft motor and waits for thepressure switch to close. When the pressure switch closes, the controlbegins Pre-purge period. If the call for heat is removed, the control de-energizes the inducer without post-purge and returns to standby.If the pressure switch does not close within 5 seconds of inducer ener-gizing, the control board flashes “3” on the LED. If the pressure switchdoes not close within 60 seconds of inducer energizing, the controlshuts off the inducer for 60 seconds, then energizes the inducer foranother 60 seconds in an attempt to close the pressure switch. Thiscycle continues indefinitely until either the pressure switch is provedclosed, or the call for heat ends.Table 16: Defrost Control Test PinsTest Pin Shorted With Y Call Without Y Callgreater than 2 sec Bypass ASCD Display error codesgreater than 5 sec Forced defrost Clear error codesTable 17: Defrost Control Fault CodesDescription STATUS LEDHigh -pressure switch fault (not in lockout yet) 2 FlashesSystem in high-pressure switch lockout (last mode ofoperation was normal compressor) 3 FlashesSystem in high-pressure switch lockout (last mode ofoperation was defrost) 4 FlashesSystem in loss of charge switch lockout (last mode ofoperation was normal compressor) 5 FlashesLow Voltage (<19.2VAC) preventing further relayoutputs for > 2 seconds 6 FlashesLow Voltage (<16VAC) stopped current relay outputsfor > 2 seconds 7 FlashesLiquid Line sensor failure (Open or Shorted) 8 FlashesOutdoor ambient sensor failure (Open or Shorted) 9 FlashesControl Failure 10 Flashes