246699-YTG-D-12084 Johnson Controls Unitary ProductsAll Predator ® units have a second model nameplatelocated inside the control access door. This is to preventdeterioration of the nameplate through weathering.• Environmentally Aware - For improved Indoor Air Qual-ity, foil faced insulation is used exclusively throughoutthe units.• Balanced Heating - The Predator® offers “Ultimate Heat-ing Comfort” with a balance between 1st and 2nd stagegas heating. The first stage of a gas heat Predator® unitprovides 60% of the heating capacity. Balanced heatingallows the unit to better maintain desired temperatures.• Convertible Airflow Design - The side duct openingsare covered when they leave the factory. If a side supply/return is desired, the installer simply removes the twoside duct covers from the outside of the unit and installsthem over the down shot openings. No panel cutting isrequired. Convertible airflow design allows maximumfield flexibility and minimum inventory.• System Protection - Suction line freezestats are sup-plied on all units to protect against loss of charge and coilfrosting when the economizer operates at low outdoor airtemperatures while the compressors are running. Everyunit has solid-core liquid line filter-driers and high and low-pressure switches. Internal compressor protection is stan-dard on all compressors. Crankcase heaters are standardon reciprocating compressors. Scroll compressors do notrequire crankcase heaters. Phase Monitors are standardon units with scroll compressors. This accessory monitorsthe incoming power to the unit and protects the unit fromphase loss and reversed phase rotation.• Advanced Controls - Simplicity™ control boards havestandardized a number of features previously availableonly as options or by utilizing additional controls.• Low Ambient - An integrated low-ambient controlallows all units to operate in the cooling mode downto 0°F outdoor ambient without additional assis-tance. Optionally, the control board can be pro-grammed to lockout the compressors when theoutdoor air temperature is low or when free coolingis available.• Anti-Short Cycle Protection - To aid compressorlife, an anti-short cycle delay is incorporated into thestandard controls. Compressor reliability is furtherensured by programmable minimum run times. Fortesting, the anti-short cycle delay can be temporarilyoverridden with the push of a button.• Fan Delays - Fan on and fan off delays are fully pro-grammable. Furthermore, the heating and coolingfan delay times are independent of one another. Allunits are programmed with default values basedupon their configuration of cooling and heat.• Safety Monitoring - The control board monitors thehigh and low-pressure switches, the freezestats, thegas valve, if applicable, and the temperature limitswitch on gas and electric heat units. The unit con-trol board will alarm on ignition failures, compressorlockouts and repeated limit switch trips.• Nuisance Trip Protection and Strikes - To preventnuisance trouble calls, the control board uses a“three times, you’re out” philosophy. The high andlow-pressure switches and the freezestats must tripthree times within two hours before the unit controlboard will lock out the associated compressor.• On Board Diagnostics - Each alarm will energize atrouble light on the thermostat, if so equipped, andflash an alarm code on the control board LED. Eachhigh and low-pressure switch alarm as well as eachfreezestat alarm has its own flash code. The controlboard saves the five most recent alarms in memory,and these alarms can be reviewed at any time.Alarms and programmed values are retainedthrough the loss of power.• Reliable - From the beginning - All units undergo com-puter automated testing before they leave the factory.Units are tested for refrigerant charge and pressure, unitamperage, and 100% functionality. For the long term - AllPredator® units are painted with a long lasting, powderpaint that stands up over the life of the unit. The paintused has been proven by a 1000 hour salt spray test.• Flexible Placement - All models and configurationsshare the same cabinet/footprint and thus the same roofcurb. You have the flexibility to set one curb and choosethe correct tonnage size and heating option after theinternal loads have been determined.To further simplify planning and installation, Predator ®cabinets are designed to fit your roof. With the optionalroof curb, the unit ductwork is designed to fit around 24”on-center joists or between 48” on-center joists.The drain pan can be rotated to drain to either the frontor the rear of the unit. Additionally, the drain pan can befitted to drain through the roof curb. As it is sometimesdifficult to have a level installation, the drain pan featuresa generous slope to ensure proper drainage.• Full Perimeter Base Rails - The permanently attachedbase rails provide a solid foundation for the entire unitand protect the unit during shipment. The rails offer fork-The Simplicity® control board used in this productwill effectively operate the cooling system down to0°F when this product is applied in a comfort coolingapplication for people. An economizer is typicallyincluded in this type of application. When applyingthis product for process cooling applications (com-puter rooms, switchgear, etc.), please referenceapplications bulletin AE-011-07 or call the applica-tions department for Unitary Products @ 1-877-UPG-SERV for guidance. Additional accessoriesmay be needed for stable operation at temperaturesbelow 30° F.