246699-YTG-D-1208Johnson Controls Unitary Products 7economizer is 2% low leakage type. The economizer hasspring return, fully modulating damper actuators and iscapable of introducing up to 100% outdoor air. As theoutdoor air intake dampers open, the return air dampersclose. The changeover from mechanical refrigeration toeconomizer operation is regulated by the standard singleenthalpy input. There is an optional input dual dry bulbavailable. To meet regulated air standards, the econo-mizer control accepts an optional CO 2 input for demandventilation.With single enthalpy input, the economizercontrol monitors outdoor air. The dual enthalpy kit pro-vides a second input used to monitor the return air. Witha dual input kit installed, the economizer control com-pares the values of the two enthalpy or temperatureinputs and positions the dampers to provide the maxi-mum efficiency possible• Horizontal Economizer - (Without barometric relief) -All features of the downflow economizer exist except youmust order the duct mount barometric relief separately.You must order a 1EH0408 if you are installing apower exhaust. You can order a 1RD0411 BarometricRelief for horizontal flow economizers only.• Slab Economizer for Energy Recovery Ventilator-(Without barometric relief or Fresh Air Hood) - Theeconomizer is provided with a single enthalpy input. Theeconomizer is 2% low leakage type. The economizer hasspring return, fully modulating damper actuators and iscapable of introducing up to 100% outdoor air. As theoutdoor air intake dampers open, the return air dampersclose. The changeover from mechanical refrigeration toeconomizer operation is regulated by the standard singleenthalpy input. There is an optional input dual dry bulbavailable. To meet regulated air standards, the econo-mizer control accepts an optional CO 2 input for demandventilation. With single enthalpy input, the economizercontrol monitors outdoor air. The dual enthalpy kit pro-vides a second input used to monitor the return air. Witha dual input kit installed, the economizer control com-pares the values of the two enthalpy or temperatureinputs and positions the dampers to provide the maxi-mum efficiency possible.You can order 1EH0409 Barometric Relief/FA Hoodfor field installations without an ERV.• Dual Enthalpy Control, Accessory - This kit containsthe required components to convert a single enthalpyeconomizer to dual enthalpy.• Barometric Relief Damper - Zero to 100% capacitybarometric relief dampers for use with horizontal flow, orfield installed slab economizers.• Power Exhaust - This accessory installs in the unit witha down flow economizer. Power exhaust plugs into theconnector in the unit bulkhead. You must purchase1EH0408 barometric relief when applying to a hori-zontal flow application.• Manual Outdoor Air Damper - Like the motorized out-door air damper, each manual outdoor air damperincludes a slide-in damper assembly with an outdoor airhood and filters. Customers have a choice of damperswith ranges of 0% to 100% or 0% to 35% outdoor airentry.• Motorized Outdoor Air Damper - The motorized out-door air damper includes a slide-in/plug-in damperassembly with an outdoor air hood and filters. The out-door air dampers open to the preset position when theindoor fan motor is energized. The damper has a rangeof 0% to 100% outdoor air entry. Factory installed optionor field installed accessory.• Smoke Detectors - The smoke detectors stop operationof the unit by interrupting power to the control board ifsmoke is detected within the air compartment.• CO2 Sensor - Senses CO2 levels and automaticallyoverrides the economizer when levels rise above thepreset limits.• Dirty Filter Switch - This kit includes a differential pres-sure switch that energizes the fault light on the unit ther-mostat, indicating that there is an abnormally highpressure drop across the filters.• Coil Guard - Field installed decorative wire coil guard.• Hail Guard - This kit includes a sloped hood whichinstalls over the outside condenser coil and preventsdamage to the coil fins from hail strikes. Field installedaccessory only.• Electric Heaters - The electric heaters range from 9 kWto 54kW and are available in all the voltage options of thebase units. All heaters are dual staged. Cooling unitsinclude an adapter panel for easy installation of the elec-tric heaters. Necessary hardware and connectors areincluded with the heaters. All heaters are intended forsingle point power supply.• Metal Frame Filter Kit - Metal frame with polyester filtermedium.• Permanent Filters - Permanent filters are available.• Roof Curbs - The roof curbs have insulated decks andare shipped disassembled The roof curbs are availablein 8” and 14” heights. For applications with security con-cerns, burglar bars are available for the duct openings ofthe roof curbs.• Roof Curb Transition - Single Piece Adapter (10” High)- Roof curbs for transitioning from SunlineTM units toPredator® units. Fits 7.5 to 12.5 Sunline TM roof curbsonly.• Burglar Bars - Mount in the supply and return openingsto prevent entry into the duct work.• Thermostat - The units are designed to operate with 24-volt electronic and electro-mechanical thermostats. Allunits (with or without an economizer) operate with two-stage heat/two-stage cool or two-stage cooling only ther-mostats, depending upon unit configuration.