5167821-YTG-J-0518Johnson Controls Ducted Systems 13optional indoor blower motors that provide higher staticoutput and/or higher airflow.• CONVENIENCE OUTLET (POWERED/NON-POWERED)–Unit can be provided with an optional 120VAC GFCI outletwith cover on the corner of the unit housing the compressors.• ELECTRIC HEAT - Electric Heaters range from 3kW to24kW and are available in all the voltage options of thebase unit.• PHASE MONITOR - Designed to prevent damage in out-of-phase condition.• COIL GUARD - Designed to prevent condenser coildamage.• BAS CONTROLS HARDWARE - Include supply airsensor, return air sensor, dirty filter indicator and airproving switch.• DIRTY FILTER SWITCH – This kit includes a differentialpressure switch that energizes the fault light on the unitthermostat, indicating that there is an abnormally high-pressure drop across the filters.• BREAKER – An HACR breaker can be factory installedon gas heat units or cooling units with electric heat.• DISCONNECT SWITCH - A disconnect can be factoryinstalled on a cooling only units sized for the largestelectric heat available.• STAINLESS STEEL HEAT EXCHANGER – Forapplications in a corrosive environment, this optionprovides a full stainless steel heat exchanger assembly.• SMOKE DETECTOR – A smoke detector can be factorymounted and wired in the supply and/or return aircompartments.OTHER PRE-ENGINEERED ACCESSORIES AVAILABLE• ROOF CURB - 14” and 8” high, full perimeter knockdowncurb, with hinged design for quick assembly.• BAROMETRIC RELIEF DAMPER – (Unit mounted –Downflow, Duct Mounted – Horizontal) – Contains a rainhood, air inlet screen, exhaust damper and mountinghardware. Used to relieve internal air pressure throughthe unit during economizer operation.• PROPANE CONVERSION KIT – Contains new orificesand gas valve springs to convert from natural to L.P. gas.• -60ºF GAS HEAT KIT – Provides an electric heat kit forthe gas compartment for use in extreme low ambientconditions.• ECONOMIZER (Downflow and Horizontal flow)• POWER EXHAUST – (Unit mount – Downflow, Ductmount – Horizontal flow)• DUAL ENTHALPY KIT - Provides a second input toeconomizer to monitor return air.