036-21630-001-B-0904Unitary Products Group 11FEATURESAll models are available with a wide variety of factory-mounted options such as electric heaters, phase monitor,convenience outlet, dirty filter switch, disconnect switch,smoke detectors, and coil guards to make them suitable foralmost every application.All units are self-contained and assembled on full perimeterbase rails with forklift holes on three sides and holes for over-head rigging. Every unit is completely piped, wired, chargedand tested at the factory to simplify the field installation and toprovide years of dependable operation.All models (including those with an economizer) are suitablefor either bottom or horizontal duct connections. For bottomduct, remove the sheet metal panels from the supply andreturn air openings through the base of the unit. For horizon-tal duct, remove the supply and return air panels on the rearof the unit.All models are available with these “factory mounted” outdoorair damper options:• Single enthalpy economizer• Motorized outdoor air damperSupply air blowers are equipped with a belt drive that can beadjusted to meet the exact requirements of the job.All compressors are equipped with internal pressure relief.Every refrigerant circuit includes a liquid line filter-drier, a highpressure switch and a suction line with a freezestat and lowpressure/loss of charge switch to protect all system compo-nents.• Simplicity® Controls - Simplicity® control boards havestandardized a number of features previously availableonly as options or by utilizing additional controls.• Low Ambient - An integrated low-ambient controlallows all units to operate in the cooling mode downto 0ºF outdoor ambient without additional assis-tance. Optionally, the control board can be pro-grammed to lockout the compressors when theoutdoor air temperature is low or when free coolingis available.• Anti-Short Cycle Protection - To aid compressorlife, an anti-short cycle delay is incorporated into thestandard controls. Compressor reliability is furtherensured by programmable minimum run times. Fortesting, the anti short cycle delay can be temporarilyoverridden with the push of a button.• Fan Delays - Fan on and fan off delays are fully pro-grammable and are independent of one another. Allunits are programmed with default values basedupon their configuration of cooling and heat.• Safety Monitoring - The control board monitors thehigh and low-pressure switches, the freezestats, thegas valve, if applicable, and the temperature limitswitch on gas heat units. The unit control board willalarm on ignition failures, compressor lockouts andrepeated limit switch trips.• Nuisance Trip Protection- To prevent nuisancetrouble calls, the control board uses a “three strikes,you’re out” philosophy. The high and low-pressureswitches and the freezestats must trip three timeswithin two hours before the unit control board willlock out the compressor.• On Board Diagnostics - Each alarm will energize atrouble light on the thermostat, if so equipped, andflash an alarm code on the control board LED. Eachhigh and low-pressure switch alarm as well as eachfreezestat alarm has its own flash code. The controlboard saves the five most recent alarms in memory,and these alarms can be reviewed at any time.Alarms and programmed values are retainedthrough the loss of power.All units have long lasting powder paint cabinets with 750hour salt spray test approval under ASTM-B117 procedures.All models are CSA listed.• Warranty - All models include a one-year limited partswarranty on the complete unit. Compressors and electricheater elements carry a five-year warranty• Electric Heat Operation - All electric heat models arewired for a single power source and include a bank ofnickel chromium elements mounted at the discharge ofthe supply air blower to provide a high velocity and uni-form distribution of air across the heating elements.Every element is fully protected against excessive tem-perature by thermal limit switches.The power supply wiring can be routed into the controlbox through a threaded pipe connection (field supplied)in the base pan of the unit or through a knockout in thewiring panel on the side of the unit.• BAS Controls - York’s Sunline™ series units offer fac-tory mounted BAS controls such as Simplicity® INTELLI-Comfort™, Novar, Honeywell, Johnson, and CPC.