036-21630-001-B-0904Unitary Products Group 13Air IAQ sensor. Construction mode operation, 365-dayreal time clock with 7 day programming plus holidayscheduling is built-in. Two different modes of demandventilation are achieved through the INTELLI-Com-fort™using CO 2 sensors. It uses an inside CO2 sensor toperform Demand Ventilation. It can also use an OutsideCO 2 sensor to perform Differential Demand Ventilation.It uses a Patented Comfort Ventilation algorithm to pro-vide comfortable ventilation air temperature. The pat-ented economizer-loading algorithm will protect theequipment when harsh operating conditions exist.Humidity in the occupied space or return duct can bemonitored and controlled via humidity sensors and theon-board connection for hot gas re-heat system. It usesthe INTELLI-Start™ algorithm to maximize energy sav-ings by recovering the building from the Unoccupied Set-points to the Occupied Setpoints just in time for theOccupied Time Period to begin. The Simplicity®INTELLI-Comfort™ balances space temperature, venti-lation air temperature, CO2 and humidity for ultimatecomfort.• Simplicity® INTELLI-Comfort™ with ModLINC CON-TROL - The York® Simplicity® INTELLI-Comfort™ withModLINC control is factory installed. It includes all thefeatures of the INTELLI-Comfort™ control with an addi-tional control to translate communications from MOD-BUS to the BACnet MSTP protocol.• Novar® BAS CONTROL - The Novar® ETC-3 buildingautomation system controller is factory installed.Includes supply air sensor, return air sensor, dirty filterindicator switch, and air proving switch.• JOHNSON CONTROLS BAS CONTROL - The JohnsonControl YK-UNT-1126 building automation system con-troller is factory installed. Includes supply air sensor,return air sensor, dirty filter indicator switch, and air prov-ing switch.• CPC BAS CONTROL - The Computer Process ControlsModel 810-3060 ARTC Advanced Rooftop building auto-mation system controller is factory installed. Includessupply air sensor, return air sensor, dirty filter indicatorswitch and air proving switch.• HONEYWELL BAS CONTROL - The HoneywellW7750C building automation system controller is factoryinstalled. Includes air supply sensor, return air sensor,dirty filter indicator switch, and air proving switch.• SMOKE DETECTORS - (supply air & return air) Thesmoke detectors stop operation of the unit by interruptingpower to the control board if smoke is detected within theair compartment.• STAINLESS STEEL DRAIN PAN - An optional rust-proof stainless steel drain pan is available to provideyears of trouble-free operation in corrosive environ-ments.• BOTTOM DRAIN CONNECTION - An optional bottomdrain connection is available for inside the curb connec-tions for applications in cold environments to reducefreezing drain lines.• COIL GUARD - Customers can purchase a coil guard kitto protect the condenser coil from damage. This is not ahail guard kit.• PHASE MONITORS - Designed to prevent unit damage.The phase monitor will shut the unit down in an out-of-phase condition.• DIRTY FILTER SWITCH - This kit includes a differentialpressure switch that energizes the fault light on the unitthermostat, indicating that there is an abnormally highpressure drop across the filters. Factory installed optionor field installed accessory.• HINGED FILTER DOOR/“TOOLLESS” BLOWER ANDACCESS PANELS (not hinged) - This option allows foreasy access and maintenance.NOTE:Knobs are shipped inside the unit to prevent ship-ping damage. These must be field installed fortoolless operation.FIELD-INSTALLED ACCESSORIES• SINGLE INPUT ELECTRONIC ENTHALPY ECONO-MIZERS - Includes a slide-in / plug-in damper assemblywith fully modulating spring-return motor actuator capa-ble of introducing up to 100% outdoor air with nominal1% leakage type dampers.The enthalpy system contains one sensor that monitorsthe outdoor air and determines when the air is coolenough and dry enough to provide free cooling.The rainhood is painted to match the basic unit and mustbe field-assembled before installing.• MOTORIZED OUTDOOR AIR INTAKE DAMPER -Includes a slide-in / plug-in damper assembly with a 2-position, spring return motor actuator which opens tosome pre-set position whenever the supply air blower isoperating and will drive fully closed when the blower unitshuts down.The rain hood is painted to match the basic unit andmust be field assembled before installing.• ELECTRIC HEATERS wired for single point power sup-ply. These nickel chromium heater elements are pro-vided with limit and automatic reset capability to preventoperation at excessive temperatures.• ROOF CURBS - Eight and fourteen-inch high roof curbsprovide a water-tight seal between the unit and the fin-ished roof. These full perimeter curbs meet the require-ments of the National Roofing Contractors Association(NRCA) and are shipped knocked-down for field assem-bly.