CONDENSATE DRAINPlumbing must conform to local codes. Use a sealingcompound on male pipe threads. Install a condensate drain linefrom the 3/4" PVC female connection on the unit to spill into anopen drain.NOTE: The condensate drain line MUST be trapped to pro-vide proper drainage. See Figure 2.SERVICE ACCESSAccess to all serviceable components is provided by thefollowing removable panels:• Compressor compartment• Heater compartment• Blower compartment• Main control box• Filter compartment• Motor Access (on units w/belt-drive option)Refer to Figure 5 for location of these access panels.CAUTION: Make sure that all screws are replaced on theunit to maintain an air-tight seal.THERMOSTATThe room thermostat should be located on an inside wallapproximately 56" above the floor where it will not be subjectto drafts, sun exposure, or heat from electrical fixtures orappliances. Follow manufacturer’s instructions enclosed withthermostat for general installation procedure. Color codedinsulated wires (#18 AWG) should be used to connectthermostat to unit. See Figure 4 for wiring details.NOTE: If the unit has an economizer, remove jumper J1from terminals 8 and 10 on the relay board to pre-vent simultaneous operation of the scroll compres-sor and the economizer. If you want to control theeconomizer on a second stage of cooling, use athermostat with two stages of cooling.POWER AND CONTROL WIRINGField wiring to the unit must conform to provisions of the NationalElectrical Code (NEC) ANSI/NFPA 70 (in USA), current CanadianElectric Code (CEC) C22.1 (in Canada) and/or localordinances. The unit must be electrically grounded inaccordance with the NEC and CEC (as specified above) and/orlocal codes. Voltage tolerances which must be maintained atthe scroll compressor terminals during starting and runningconditions are indicated on the unit Rating Plate and Table 1.The wiring harness furnished with this unit is an integral part ofa UL and CGA design certified unit. Field alteration to complywith electrical codes should not be required.A disconnect switch should be field provided for the unit. Theswitch must be separate from all other circuits. Refer to Figure 5for installation location. If any of the wire supplied with the unitmust be replaced, replacement wire must be of the type shownon the wiring diagram.Electrical lines must be sized properly to carry the load. USECOPPER CONDUCTORS ONLY. Each unit must be wired witha separate branch circuit fed directly from the meter panel andproperly protected.CAUTION: When connecting electrical power and controlwiring to the unit, waterproof type connectorsMUST BE USED so that water or moisture can-not be drawn into the unit during normal opera-tion. The above waterproofing conditions willalso apply when installing a field-supplied discon-nect switch.Refer to Figure 4 for typical field wiring and to the appropriateunit wiring diagram for control circuit and power wiringinformation.BLOWER SPEED SELECTIONThree blower motor speeds are available on the 3, 4 and 5 tondirect-drive units. The 6 ton direct-drive unit has a single speedblower motor. The speed selection for the 3, 4 and 5 tondirect-drive units is determined by the CFM and ESPrequirements of the applications. All units with belt-drive optionhave an adjustable motor pulley to achieve the aboveconditions.All direct-drive units are shipped with the black wire (labeled#8) connected to the high speed tap on the blower motor. If alower blower motor speed is desired, this wire should be movedto the medium or low speed tap on the motor.SCROLL COMPRESSORThese units are shipped with the scroll compressor mountingsfactory-adjusted and ready for operation.CAUTION: Do Not loosen the scroll compressor mounting bolts.FIG. 2 - RECOMMENDED DRAIN PIPINGMODELS UNIT SIZE036 048 060 072EVAP.BLOWERCENTRIFUGAL BLOWER (Dia. x Wd. in.)FAN MOTOR HP (Direct-Drive)FAN MOTOR HP (Belt-Drive)12 x 101⁄211⁄212 x 103⁄411⁄212 x 10111⁄212 x 11111⁄2EVAP.COILROWS DEEPFINS PER INCHFACE AREA (Sq. Ft.)3133.63134.33135.14135.1COMPR.TYPE HERMETICALLY SEALED (Qty. = 1) BRISTOL SCROLLCOND.FANPROPELLER DIA. (in.)FAN MOTOR HPNOM. CFM TOTAL241⁄43,400241⁄43,400241⁄43,400241⁄43,300COND.COILROWS DEEPFINS PER INCHFACE AREA (Sq. Ft.)11617.111617.112217.121616.7AIRFILTERS(SEE NOTE)QUANTITY PER UNIT (15" x 20" x 1")QUANTITY PER UNIT (14" X 25" X 1")TOTAL FACE AREA (sq. ft.)216.3216.3216.3216.3CHARGE REFRIGERANT 22 (lbs./oz.) 5/8 6/8 6/8 10/0TABLE 2 - PHYSICAL DATAWEIGHTS (LBS)Basic Unit3 Ton 5154 Ton 5655 Ton 5906 Ton 670ACCESSORIES / OPTIONSElectric Heat(Nominal KW)5 - 7 KW 1810 - 15 KW 2320 - 30 KW 28Economizer 50Motorized OutdoorAir Damper 26Relief/FixedAir Damper 10Roof Mounting Curb 92Belt-Drive Blower 5530.18-N7Y4 Unitary Products Group