5808009-YIM-A-03208 Johnson Controls Ducted SystemsLocationUse the following guidelines to select a suitable location forthese units:• The unit is designed for outdoor installation only.• Condenser coils must have an unlimited supply of air.Where a choice of location is possible, position the unit oneither the north or east side of the building.• Suitable for mounting on roof curb.• For ground level installation, use a level concrete slabwith a minimum thickness of 4 inches. The length andwidth must be at least 6 inches greater than the unit baserails. Do not tie the slab to the building foundation.• Roof structures must be able to support the weight of theunit and its options and accessories. The unit must beinstalled on a solid, level roof curb or appropriate angleiron frame.• Maintain level tolerance to 1/2 inch across the entire widthand length of the unit.ClearancesAll units require particular clearances for proper operation andservice. The installer must make provisions for adequatecombustion and ventilation air in accordance with section 5.3 ofAir for Combustion and Ventilation of the National Fuel GasCode, ANSI Z223.1 – Latest Edition (in U.S.A.), or Sections 7.2,7.3, or 7.4 of Gas Installation Codes, CSA-B149.1 (in Canada) -Latest Edition, and/or applicable provisions of the local buildingcodes. Refer to Table 6 for the clearances required forcombustible construction, servicing, and proper unit operation.Table 2: ZB078-150 unit limitationsSize(tons) Model Unit voltage SCCR (kVAUnit limitationsApplied voltage Outdoor DB tempMinimum Maximum Maximum (°F)078(6.5) ZB208/230-3-60 5 187 252 125460-3-60 5 432 504 125575-3-60 5 540 630 125090(7.5) ZB208/230-3-60 5 187 252 125460-3-60 5 432 504 125575-3-60 5 540 630 125102(8.5) ZB208/230-3-60 5 187 252 125460-3-60 5 432 504 125575-3-60 5 540 630 125120(10) ZB208/230-3-60 5 187 252 125460-3-60 5 432 504 125575-3-60 5 540 630 125150(12.5) ZB208/230-3-60 5 187 252 125460-3-60 5 432 504 125575-3-60 5 540 630 125Excessive exposure of the furnace to contaminatedcombustion air may result in equipment damage orpersonal injury. Typical contaminates include thefollowing items:• Permanent wave solution• Chlorinated waxes and cleaners• Chlorine based swimming pool chemicals• Water softening chemicals• Carbon tetrachloride• Halogen type refrigerants• Cleaning solvents (for example, perchloroethylene)• Printing inks• Paint removers• Varnishes• Hydrochloric acid• Cements and glues• Anti static fabric softeners for clothes dryers• Masonry acid washing materials