24DO NOT clean the oven door while the glasspanels are warm. If this precaution is not observedthe glass panels may shatter.If the door glass panels become chipped or havedeep scratches, the glasses will be weakened andmust be replaced to prevent the possibility of thepanel shattering. Contact your local Service ForceCentre who will be pleased to advise further.Clean the oven door glass with warm water and a softhcloth only. Never use harsh abrasives as they coulddamage the special heat-resistant surface of the innerglasses.Once the cleaning is carried out, refit the oven door,following the procedure in reverse.The two glasses in the middle are special glassesthat have been treated to resist heat. They aremarked with a small dot located on a corner and ablack frame respectively.It is important that, when refitting the oven door,the inner glasses are fixed in the right position.To check if this operation has been carried outcorrectly, when inserting the glass, make sure thatthe surface of the glass marked with a black framelooks upwards and that the dot is located on theupper right corner of the glass (see diagram 7).7