9 - EN2.6.4 Connection of the condensation drainStandard heat exchangermin 60 mmmin 60 mm20 mmComfoAir 200 - LEFTmin 60 mmmin 60 mm20 mmComfoAir 200 - RIGHTWarm exhaust air is cooled by the outside air in theheat exchanger. This causes the moisture in the in-door air to condense in the heat exchanger. The con-densation water created in the heat exchanger is fedto a PVC condensation drain.The connection for the condensation drain has an ex-ternal diameter of 20 mm and a ledge of 21.2 mm. Itis located underneath the ComfoAir.■ Connect the condensation drain, via a pipe withcoupling or hose, to the water seal (U bend) of thedomestic waste-water system.For future maintenance activities the con-densation drain must be removable.■ Ensure the condensation drain pipe on ceiling-mounted units has a run-off to the U bend of atleast 2%.■ Position the upper edge of the water seal at least40 mm underneath the condensation drain of theComfoAir.■ Make sure that the outer end of the pipe or tubeexits is at least 60mm below the water level.Ensure that the water seal connected to thedomestic waste-water system is always fullof water. This prevents the ComfoAir fromsucking in any leakage air.Enthalpy heat exchangerWhen the ComfoAir is fitted with an enthalpy ex-changer the moisture from the indoor air is transferredto the outside air. In this case there is no condensatewhich must be drained from the ComfoAir. Thereforea condensation drain is not necessary when an en-thalpy exchanger is fitted.Ensure that the condensation drain is sealed.This prevents the ComfoAir from sucking inany leakage air.The condensation drain can be sealed with a standardscrew-cap.2.7 Commissioning the ComfoAirAfter installation, the ComfoAir must be commis-sioned.This can be done via the P menus on the digital op-erating device. These P menus can be used to entervarious settings (ventilation programmes, in particu-lar) for the ComfoAir. An overview of the available Pmenus is given below:Menu optionsP1 Reading statuses (from menu P2)P2 Setting time delaysP3 Setting and reading the ventilationlevelsP4 Setting and reading the temperatu-resP5 Setting additional programmesP6 Setting additional programmesP7 Reading and resetting malfunctions(and system information)