TroubleshootingNote: If the microprocessor board is flashing a systemwarning and the unit is locked out and not runningthe lockout can be cleared from the microprocessorby a momentary shut down of incoming line voltage(208VAC, 230VAC or 277 VAC). A lockout that stilloccurs after line voltage shut-down means that thefault still exists and needs to be repaired.High pressure lockout (HP)The high pressure lockout will occur if the dischargepressure of the compressor exceeds 600 psig. Thelockout is immediate and has no delay from thetime the high pressure switch opens to the lockout.Upon lockout the compressor will be de-energizedimmediately. The blower will be de-energized fifteenseconds after the compressor is de-energized.Low pressure lockout (LP)The low pressure lockout will occur if the suctionpressure falls below 40 psig for thirty continuousseconds. The compressor will then be de-energizedand the blower will de-energize fifteen seconds afterthe compressor is de-energized.Freeze protection 1 lockoutThe freeze protection 1 lockout will occur if the H20line temperature falls below the set point (15 °F or30 °F) for thirty continuous seconds. See dip switch 2described on page 23. The compressor will then bede-energized and the blower will de-energize fifteenseconds after the compressor is de-energized.Freeze protection 2 lockoutThe freeze protection 2 lockout will occur if the air coiltemperature falls below the set point 32 °F for thirtycontinuous seconds. See dip switch 2 described onpage 23. The compressor will then be de-energizedand the blower will de-energize fifteen seconds afterthe compressor is de-energized.Condensate overflow 1 lockout (CO1)The unit contains one condensate overflow sensor,located in the chassis drain pan below the air coil. Acondensate lockout will occur if the sensor sensescondensate for thirty continuous seconds. Thecompressor will then be de-energized and the blowerwill de-energize fifteen seconds after the compressoris de-energized.Over/under voltage protectionIf the unit control voltage is 18VAC>voltage>30VACthe unit will shut down all inputs immediately. Oncethe voltage has reached acceptable levels the unitmicroprocessor will power “on” automatically andresume previous operation.Leaving water temperature (LWT)sensor failureIf the leaving water temperature thermistor fails it willnot affect the operation of the unit. This sensor is formonitoring purposes only.Discharge air temperature (DAT)sensor failureIf the discharge temperature thermistor fails it will notaffect the operation of the unit. This sensor is formonitoring purposes only.Freeze protection 1 temperature sensorfailure (FP1)If the freeze protection 1 thermistor fails for thirtycontinuous seconds, FP1 lockout will occur. Thecompressor will then be de-energized and the blowerwill de-energize fifteen seconds after the compressoris de-energized. The sensor must be replaced if thislockout occurs.Freeze protection 2 temperature sensorfailure (FP2)If the freeze protection 2 thermistor fails for thirtycontinuous seconds, FP1 lockout will occur. Thecompressor will then be de-energized and the blowerwill de-energize fifteen seconds after the compressoris de-energized. The sensor must be replaced if thislockout occurs.Lockout modes59