5 Configuration Instructions for UseCLARUS® 5005.11 System Administration84 / 192 2660021171806 Rev. A 2019-01To remove Enhanced Security, log in as ZeissAdmin and run the“Remove Enhanced Security.CMD” script located on the desktop. Disabling Enhanced Security SettingsWhen you received the CLARUS 500, enhanced security settings areturned on. These settings are not required for the instrument tooperate properly.You can change individual settings per your institution's require-ments or you can disable all of these settings using the RemoveEnhanced Security command on the desktop.Enhanced security settings are listed in the following sections:• Enhanced Security Windows Firewall Rules [} 85]• Enhanced Security Services [} 86]• Enhanced Security Group Policy [} 86]NOTE Only Administrators can complete this task.To disable enhanced security settings:Prerequisite þ The CLARUS 500 application is minimized (Main Toolbar [} 29])Action 1. Location the following command on the Windows desktop:Remove Enhanced Security.CMD.2. Double-click Remove Enhanced Security.CMD.ð All enhanced security settings are reset to the Windowsdefault settings. Enabling Enhanced Security SettingsWhen you received the CLARUS 500, enhanced security settings areturned on. These settings are not required for the instrument tooperate properly.If there were changes to individual settings or if all enhancedsecurity settings were disabled, you can re-enable all of thesesettings using the Install Enhanced Security command on thedesktop.Enhanced security settings are listed in the following sections:• Enhanced Security Windows Firewall Rules [} 85]• Enhanced Security Services [} 86]• Enhanced Security Group Policy [} 86]NOTE Only Administrators can complete this task.To enable enhanced security settings:Prerequisite þ The ZEISS application is minimized (Main Toolbar [} 29])