5 Configuration Instructions for UseCLARUS® 5005.11 System Administration88 / 192 2660021171806 Rev. A 2019-01Policy SettingAudit Policy: Logon-Logoff: Logoff SuccessAudit Policy: Logon-Logoff: Logon Success andFailureAudit Policy: Logon-Logoff: Special Logon SuccessAudit Policy: Object Access: Removable Storage Success andFailureAudit Policy: Policy Change: Audit Policy Change Success andFailureAudit Policy: Policy Change: Authentication Policy Change SuccessAudit Policy: Privilege Use: Sensitive Privilege Use Success andFailureAudit Policy: System: IPsec Driver Success andFailureAudit Policy: System: Other System Events Success andFailureAudit Policy: System: Security State Change SuccessAudit Policy: System: Security System Extension Success andFailureAudit Policy: System: System Integrity Success andFailureAudit: Audit the access of global system objects DisabledAudit: Audit the use of Backup and Restore privilege EnabledAudit: Force audit policy subcategory settings (Windows Vista or later) to overrideaudit policy category settingsEnabledAudit: Shut down system immediately if unable to log security audits DisabledBack up files and directories AdministratorsBoot-Start Driver Initialization PolicyChoose the boot-start drivers that can be initializedEnabledGood, unknown andbad but criticalChange the system time LOCAL SERVICE,AdministratorsConfigure Automatic Updates DisabledConfigure Offer Remote Assistance DisabledConfigure registry policy processingDo not apply during periodic background processingProcess even if the Group Policy objects have not changedEnabledTRUETRUE