9 Troubleshooting Instructions for UseCLARUS 5009.3 Information Messages118 / 144 2660021165005 Rev. A 2017-08Message / Fault Cause SolutionsImporting exams in progress... Indicates the progress of animported exam.N/ALog file saved successfully. Indicates that the log filesaved successfullyClick OK.Number of exams selected for ex-port.Indicates the number of examsselected for export.N/ANumber of exams successfully ex-ported.Indicates the number of examsexported.N/APlease select 4 thumbnails. Prompts you to select the ap-propriate number of thumb-nail images from the stack.Click OK.Select auto import folder path. Prompts you to select thefolder for imported images.Browse to the folder you want to usefor imported images.Select what you would like to dowith this thumbnail:Message requires decisionabout thumbnail.Select Delete, Cancel/Delete, or Re-placeSet the export mode. Message requires that the ex-port mode be set.Set the export mode either Session,Daily, or other choice.Source and destination images areboth required in order to copy an-notations.When copying annotations,informs you when either orboth a source and destinationfor the annotations is missing.Click OK and select a source imageand a destination image for copyingannotations.Tests will be merged with currentdatabase.Confirms that you want tosave the scans in the data-base.Click OK.Transfer Completed Informs you that your filestransferred successfully.Click OK.You are about to delete all editsmade to image.Confirms that you want todelete your edits.Click OK.You have created a montage im-age. Do you wish to save or discardthis image?When attempting to selectsomething else, informs thatyou created a montage image,but did not save it.Click Save or Discard.You have unsaved edits. Informs that you created amontage image, but did notsave it.Click OKYou have unsaved edits which willbe discarded if you leave thisscreen. Discard before exit ?Confirms that you want to exitwithout saving.Click OKQuick Compare Shows all scans of same later-ality and scan type as theright-clicked image.N/ATable 3: Information Messages