Technical specification Instructions for Use305935-9900-000–1.3 –2020-08-25-for USA 57 / 65• Use of this equipment adjacent to or stacked with other equipmentshould be avoided because it could result in improper operation. Ifsuch use is necessary, this equipment and the other equipmentshould be observed to verify that they are operating normally.• Please follow the EMC guidelines in the following pages.11.8.1 Electromagnetic emissionThe EXTARO 300 is intended for operation in an electromagnetic environment as specified below. Thecustomer or the user of EXTARO 300 is responsible for ensuring that the device is operated in such anenvironment.Emission test Compliance Electromagnetic environment- guidelinesRF emissions as per CISPR11 Group 1The EXTARO 300 uses RF energy only for itsinternal functions. As a result, RF emissions arevery low and unlikely to cause any interferencein nearby electronic devices.RF emissions as per CISPR11 Class AThe EXTARO 300 is suitable for use inestablishments other than domestic and thosedirectly connected to the public low-voltagepower supply network that supplies buildingsused for domestic purposes.Harmonic emissions as perIEC 61000-3-2 Class A The EXTARO 300 is suitable for use in allfacilities including locations in residentialenvironments and those directly connected tothe public power supply network which alsosupplies buildings used for residentialpurposes.Emission of voltagefluctuation /flicker as per IEC61000- 3-3Compliant11.8.2 Electromagnetic immunity for ME equipment and ME systemsThe EXTARO 300 is intended for operation in an electromagnetic environment as specified below. Thecustomer or the user of the EXTARO 300 is responsible for ensuring that the device is operated in suchan environment.Immunity test IEC 60601 testlevel Compliance level Electromagneticenvironment – guidelinesElectrostatic dis-charge (ESD) as perIEC 61000-4-2±8 kVcontact discharge±15 kVair discharge±8 kVcontact discharge±15 kVair dischargeFloor stand should be made ofwood or concrete or becovered with ceramic tiles. Ifthe flooring contains syntheticmaterials, the relative humiditymust be at least 30%.